Page 184 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 184
KIMBERLY-CLARK KIMCARE® CASSETTE SKIN Specially designed to dispense one ounce of
CARE SYSTEM DISPENSERS concentrate per depression. Effective against a wide range of
microorganisms and engineered to meet the
Soap dispenser maintenance is quick and easy! The new 46-1000 Gallon Dispensing Pump disinfecting needs of today’s busy healthcare
Kimcare® Cassette Skin Care System dispenser offers easy, no 46-1020 Qt Dispensing Pump professionals. Provides real-world kill and
fuss refill loading, and flexibility to refill with any Kimcare® contact times, convenient application
Cassette Skin Care foam or liquid formula. methods, and a one-year shelf-stable, bleach-
based formula. One minute contact kills Rotalvirus, E. coli,
11329 Dispenser, Skin Care, Electronic Cassette, Brushed Staphylococcus Aureus, and HIV Type 1. Contains 1:10 bleach
11430 Metallic (Drop Ship Only) solution recommended by the CDC in a ready-to-use formula.
39578 Dispenser, Floor Stand, Electronic, Black (Drop 38385309 Germicidal Wipes, 70/bx, 6 bx/cs
91070 Ship Only)
Dispenser, Counter Stand, Electronic, Black (Drop METREX VIONEXUS™ MANUAL BUNZL/CLOROX®
Bracket, Wall Mount, Refills Sold Separately: See
92145 Kimberly-Clark Healthcare to view refill items for Provides a premeasured application, which Cleans and disinfects in one easy step. Bleach-
the Cassette Skin Care System minimizes waste and saves money. For use free formula kills 99.9% of bacteria, including
Dispenser, Skin Care Cassette, White, 1000mL, with Vionexus No Rinse Spray staph and salmonella. They can be used on
Refills Sold Separately: See Kimberly-Clark most hard, non-porous surfaces, just wipe the
Healthcare to view refill items for the Cassette 10-1830 Manual Dispenser, 10/cs surface and let air dry.
Skin Care System (Drop Ship Only) Accessories 38381686 Disinfecting Wipe Canister, Original, 6/cs
Dispenser, Skin Care Cassette, Black, 1000mL, 10-1831 Tray
Refills Sold Separately: See Kimberly-Clark BUNZL/RECKITT LYSOL®
Healthcare to view refill items for the Cassette SANITIZING WIPES
Skin Care System (Drop Ship Only)
One-step cleaning and disinfecting in a
10-1810 10-1820 remoistened towelette. Kills 99.9% of germs
on hard, non-porous surfaces in 30 seconds.
METREX VIONEXUS™ NO TOUCH DISPENSER Packaged in convenient canisters. Air-tight
Pre-measured application increases coverage and minimizes canister package keeps wipes moist and
waste. No water or towels needed which eliminates cross- effective, allows reclosure with wipe partially
contamination. For use with VioNexus No Rinse Spray threaded. Disinfects and deodorizes in one easy wipe.
58347182 Disinfecting Wipes, Citrus Scent, 80/bx, 6 bx/cs
91552 91554 91556 91559
91560 91562 10-1810 No Touch Dispenser CERTOL PROSPRAY™ WIPES PSW
Accessories PSWC
KIMBERLY-CLARK KIMCARE® CASSETTE SKIN 10-1811 Replacement Pump For Dispenser Wipes are a disinfectant/cleaner in
CARE SYSTEM REFILLS 10-1812 Replacement Key presaturated towelettes. Same reliable
10-1820 Tray dual synthetic phenolic formula as liquid
ProSpray. Broad spectrum intermediate
Now soap dispenser maintenance is quick and easy! The SULTAN TOUCH-LESS DISPENSER level activity against TB, HIV meet CDC
new Kimcare® Cassette Skin Care System features innovative guidelines for disinfection in healthcare
refills - and a wealth of advantages: 1-liter capacity so you No touch dispensing reduces cross contamination risk. Use settings. Non alcohol actives and water
refill less often than standard 800 mL refills. New flexibility wall mounted or free standing to place in any area of your based formula means wipes stay moist
with interchangeable foam or lotion skin care cassettes - and facility. Easy, economical pour-in refill, requires no special longer. Non-staining and non bleaching,
dispensers compatible with universal mounting brackets also bags or containers. safe for repeated use on vinyls, plastics
used in all our ALL-N-1 product line. Fresh pump with each and more.
refill for greater hygiene and a better image. Easy loading.
Easy recycling when pump is removed. Offered in four new 95704 Soap Dispenser, Hands Free PSW Disinfectant Wipes, Soft Pack, 9” x 10”, 72/pk,
foam formulas and four current lotion soap formulas. PSWC 12 pk/cs
PSWCT-1 Disinfectant Wipes, 6” x 6 3/4”, 240/canister,
91552 Skin Cleanser, Luxury Foam, Moisturizers, 12 can/cs
91554 Citrus Floral Scent, 1000mL, 6/cs (Dispenser & Disinfectant Wipes, 8 1/2” x 12”, 135/canister,
91556 Mounting Brackets Sold Separately: See Kimberly- 12 can/cs
91559 Clark Professional Items 92144, 92145, & 91070)
91562 Scent, 1000mL, 6/cs
91565 Skin Cleanser, Gentle Lotion, 10000mL, 6/cs A ready to use, highly effective emolliated, antimicrobial hand Sanitex Plus Wipes are fast acting, effective,
(Dispenser & Mounting Brackets Sold Separately: skin cleanser. It is especially useful in areas where the control and easy-to-use. Effective against a wide range
See Kimberly-Clark Professional Items 92144, of direct cross contamination is important. It meets OSHA of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria,
92145, & 91070) requirements. including TB, HIV-1, and Herpes Virus. The
Skin Cleanser, Clear Antibacterial, 1000mL, 6/cs antibacterial action disinfects environmental
INFECTION (Dispenser & Mounting Brackets Sold Separately: OS04-128 Opti-Scrub® Liquid Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser, surfaces and equipment such as stainless steel,
CONTROL See Kimberly-Clark Professional Items 92144, OS12-018 1 Gallon, 4/cs Formica®, glass, tables, carts, baskets, counters, cabinets,
92145, & 91070) OS24-002 Opti-Scrub® Liquid Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser, telephones, Plexiglas, lights, handpieces, non-critical medical/
Hand Sanitizer, Luxury Foam, 1000mL, 6/cs Pump Top, 18 oz, 12/cs dental instruments and other nonporous surfaces. Does not
(Dispenser & Mounting Brackets Sold Separately; Opti-Scrub® Liquid Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser, leave a sticky residue when used as directed.
SEE Kimberly-Clark Professional Items 92144, Squeeze Bottle with Flip Top, 2 oz, 24/cs
92145 & 91070) SANLC Wipes, 6” x 6 3/4”, Large, 160/tub, 12 tub/cs
Hand Sanitizer, Moisturizing Instant, 1000mL, SANXLC2 Wipes, 8” x 14”, X-Large, 65/tub, 6 tub/cs
6/cs (Dispenser & Mounting Brackets Sold
Separately; SEE Kimberly-Clark Professional Items BEAUMONT CITRUS II GERMICIDAL KIMBERLY-CLARK
92144, 92145 & 91070) CLEANING WIPES ALCOHOL WIPES
Kleenex® Green Certified Foam Skin Cleanser,
1000mL, 6/cs (Dispenser & Mounting Brackets Bleach and alcohol-free. The multi-purpose wipes Ideally suited for ISO Class 4 or higher
Sold Separately; SEE Kimberly-Clark Professional clean and deodorize non-porous surfaces and non- clean rooms. One-step application
Items 92144, 92145 & 91070) critical instruments in one easy step. Cuts tough of alcohol to critical surfaces. Use for
grease and grime and leaves a fresh citrus scent. surface wiping in clean room environments. 100% polypropylene
633771985 Germicidal Deodorizing Wipes, 125 ct, 6/cs base sheet. 70% isopropyl alcohol/30% deionized water.
06070 KIMTECH PURE W4, CL4 PreSat Alcohol Wipe,
White, 9” x 11”, 40/pk, 10 pk/cs
150 Soaps – Surface Wipes