Page 383 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 383

DUKAL POST-OP SPONGES                                           DUKAL EMERGENCY                                                      1030TD                        3050
                                                                PRESSURE DRESSING                                            DUKAL TRAUMA DRESSING
This gauze facing multi-layer sponge                                                                                         The multiple-purpose Trauma Dressing offers greater
can be used in place of a number                                The Dukal Emergency Pressure                                 absorbency, protection and padding to the site. Featuring
of traditional sponges by offering                              Dressing is an all-in-one                                    a moisture resistant barrier this pad will wick quickly and
faster wicking and more absorbency                              dressing. It is specifically                                 prevent exudates from pooling.
than a single sponge.                                           designed with a highly
                                                                absorbent pad that offers
5434 Sponge, 4” x 3” Sterile Post-Op, Gauze Facing,             maximum compression when
               2/pk, 25 pk/bx, 24 bx/cs                         held in place with the attached
                                                                bandage roll.
5444 Sponge, 4” x 4” Sterile Post-Op, Gauze Facing,             1050 Emergency Pressure Dressing, 1/pk, 50 pk/cs
               2/pk, 25 pk/bx, 24 bx/cs

ACELITY PROMOGRAN®                                              DUKAL KITTNER SPONGES                                        1030TD          Trauma Dressing, 10” x 30”, 1/pk, 25 pk/cs
MATRIX WOUND DRESSING                                                                                                        3050            Trauma Dressing, 12” x 30”, 1/pk, 25 pk/cs
                                                                100% woven gauze that are X-ray
A unique advanced wound care dressing comprised of a sterile,   detectable for use in the O.R.
freeze-dried matrix composite of 45% ORC and 55% collagen.      Packaging ensures accuracy and
Indicated for multiple types of chronic wounds including but    traceability of count. Ideal for
not limited to, diabetic, venous and pressure ulcers.           absorption during delicate surgical
PG004   Dressing, 4.34” Hexagon Sheet, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs
PG019   Dressing, 19.1” Hexagon Sheet, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs           60401-P  Kittner Dissectors, 1/4” x 0.56”, C-5 Foam Holder,
                                                                60404    Sterile 5s, 5/pk, 40 pk/cs
                                                                         Kittner Dissectors, Sterile 5s, 1/4” x 0.56”,       ETHICON ABSORBABLE SURGICEL                                             SKIN &
                                                                         No Holder, 5/pk, 40 pk/cs                                                                                                      WOUND CARE
                                                                DUKAL OPERATING
                                                                ROOM (O.R.) SPECIALTY                                        1953 Absorbable Surgicel, 2” x 3” (Rx), 24/cs
                                                                SPONGES                                                      1955 Absorbable Surgicel, 1/2” x 2” (Rx), 24/cs

        MA028   MA123                                           These high quality sponges are
ACELITY PROMOGRAN® PRISMA MATRIX                                used in applications ranging
WOUND DRESSING                                                  from packing and prepping to
Designed to provide protection and growth by addressing         light sponging and dissecting.
the continuous changes in the wound microenvironment.
The unique combination of 55% Collagen, 44% ORC and 1%          76408    Flatstick Sponge, X-Ray Detectable, Non-Sterile, 1  EXEL ZORBAND™ PRESSURE BANDAGES
silver-ORC absorbs destructive components of chronic wound               1/2”, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs
fluid and creates the optimal environment for cellular growth.                                                               Whenever a large bore needle is used these bandages
PRISMA Matrix is a simple-to-use primary dressing and should                                                                 can help to reduce pressure time to stop bleeding. The
be considered early as part of good ulcer care.                                                                              absorbent pad soaks up blood. The swelling action of pad
                                                                                                                             acts as compress.
MA028   Dressing, 4.34” Sq, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs                      DUKAL PEANUT SPONGES
MA123   Dressing, 19.1” Sq, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs
                                                                Made of 100% cotton and are X-ray
COVIDIEN/MEDICAL                                                detectable. Available in a variety                           26834           Bandage, Large, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs
SUPPLIES CURITY™ MULTI-                                         of packaging choices which ensure                            26836           Bandage, X-Large, 100/bx, 10 bx/cs
TRAUMA DRESSING                                                 accurate counts. Perfect for minor
                                                                absorption during surgery.                                   NUTRAMAX
Soft, nonwoven facing with highly                                                                                            DISSECTING SPONGES
absorbent filings. Superior padding                             61401-P  C-5 Holder, Sterile 5s, 5/pk, 40 pk/cs
and protection for major wounds.                                61402    Pinned, Sterile 5s, 5/pk, 40 pk/cs                  Small, firm gauze sponges for
Available in specialized emergency                              61404    Sterile 5s, No Holder, 5/pk, 40 pk/cs               dissection or absorption in delicate
room put-ups.                                                   61405-5  Non-Sterile in C-5 Holders, 5/pk, 50 pk/cs          surgical procedures. Locked-in X-ray
1967 10” x 30”, Sterile, 1/bg, 50 bg/cs                                                                                      detectable element.

                                                                                                                             10533           Kittner Blunt Dissector, 9/16” x 1/4”,
                                                                                                                                             C-5® Holder, Sterile 5s, 100/cs
CRAMER ADHESIVE FOAM PADS                                       DUKAL ROUND STICK SPONGES
                                                                                                                             10534           Kittner Blunt Dissector, 9/16” x 1/4”,
                                                                100% cotton woven gauze and x-ray                                            C-5® Holder, Non-Sterile 5s, 500/cs
061458  Adhesive Foam Pad, 1/8” x 12” x 18”, 2/kt               detectable. Highly absorbent and ideal as
061459  Adhesive Foam Pad, 1/4” x 12” x 18”, 2/kt               prep sponges prior to surgery.                               10544           Cherry Sponge, 1/2”, C-5® Holder,
                                                                                                                                             Non-Sterile 5’s, 500/cs
                                                                75405    Cotton Filled, X-Ray Detectable, Large 1”,
DERMA SCIENCES BIOGUARD                                         75406    Non-Sterile, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs                        10545           Peanut Sponge, 3/8”, C-5® Holder,
ANTIMICROBIAL SPONGES                                                    Cotton-Filled, X-Ray Detectable, Super 1 1/2”,                      Non-Sterile 5s, 500/cs
                                                                         Non-Sterile, 100/pk, 5 pk/cs
                                                                                                                             10546           Round Dissector, 3/8” x 1/4”, C-5® Holder,
                                                                                                                                             Non-Sterile 5s, 100/cs
97208   2” x 2”, 8-Ply, Sterile, 3000/cs
97412   4” x 4”, 12-Ply, Sterile, 1200/cs                                                                                    10560           Round Dissector, 3/8” x 1/4”, Sterile 5s, 100/cs

                                                                DUKAL TONSIL SPONGES                                         10563           Round Dissector, 3/8” x 1/4”, C-5® Holder,
                                                                                                                                             Sterile 5s, 500/cs
                                                                Designed for high absorption. The
                                                                100% cotton woven gauze are double                           10660           Peanut Sponge, 3/8”, Sterile 5s, 500/cs
                                                                strung for easy retrieval and are
                                                                X-ray detectable to ensure visibility.                       10662           Peanut Sponge, 3/8”, Pinned, Sterile 10s, 500/cs
                                                                Packaging ensures count accuracy.
DUKAL CHERRY SPONGES                                                                                                         10663           Peanut Sponge, 3/8”, C-5® Holder, Sterile 5s, 100/cs

100% woven cotton and x-ray detectable to ensure visibility.    74436    Double Strung Tonsil Sponge, 15” Blue Thread,       10667           Peanut Sponge, 3/8”, Non-Sterile, Bulk 100s, 500/cs
Used in delicate procedures for dissection and absorption       74437    Sterile 5s, Medium, 7/8”, 5/pk, 100 pk/cs
when precision is necessary.                                             Double Strung Tonsil Sponge, 15” Blue Thread,       10670           Cherry Sponge, 1/2”, Sterile 5s, 500/cs
63401-P C-5 Holder, Sterile 5s, 5/pk, 40 pk/cs                           Sterile 5s, Large, 1”, 5/pk, 100 pk/cs
                                                                                                                             10673           Cherry Sponge, 1/2”, C-5® Holder, Sterile 500s, 100/cs

                                                                                                                             ACMAOSRC5X50BI Dissection Sponge, Round, C-5® Holder, 500/cs

                                                                         Specialty Pads/Sponges                                                                                          349
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