Page 78 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 78

MORTARA SURVEYOR                                                 WELCH ALLYN CONNEX®                                               WELCH ALLYN SPOT VITAL SIGNS
               S19 PATIENT MONITORS                                             VITAL SIGNS MONITOR
                                                                                6400 SERIES                                                       Standard non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) as well as pulse
               Surveyor S19, with high-                                                                                                           rate and MAP. Large LCD display with backlight. Extremely
               resolution 18.5” touchscreen                                     An advanced, touch screen                                         user-friendly and easy to use. Uses the oscillometric method
               display provides for easy                                        monitor featuring bright, vivid                                   to determine systolic and diastolic pressure, MAP and pulse
               management of up to 8                                            colors with minimal knobs or                                      rate. Lightweight and portable: weights just 4 pounds.
               waveforms and associated                                         buttons for ease of cleaning --                                   Training video included.
               numeric data. Standard                                           perfect for general care floors
               features include 3 and 5-Lead ECG with interpretation and        within the hospital and also                                      4200B-E1 Device, BP, Domestic/ English
               ST segment analysis, SpO2, NIBP, Dual temps, hemodynamic         for surgery centers and other                                     420TB-E1 Device, BP & Temperature, Domestic/ English
               calculations, Respiration and Heart Rate; Optional features      ambulatory care offices. For hospitals, clinicians can improve
   DIAGNOSTIC  include 2 or 4 Invasive Pressure Channels, Cardiac Output,       workflow by wirelessly sending patient vitals directly to the
INSTRUMENTS    CO2 and an externally mounted thermal recorder for added         EMR from the bedside.
               flexibility. The modular AM12 patient cable automatically
               turns any Surveyor Monitor into a 12 lead ECG system. S19        64MTPX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
               is slender and streamlined, light weight with backup battery.    64MTXX-B  MAP, Masimo SpO2, SureTemp Plus, Printer
               Its 18.5” horizontal display and 3.8” depth is designed to       64MXPE-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
               specifically facilitate wall mounted operation. Allows for easy            MAP, Masimo SpO2, SureTemp Plus
               integration to an existing infrastructure using HL7.             64MXPX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
                                                                                64MXXE-B  MAP, Masimo SpO2, Printer, Braun ThermoScan
               SUR19-DAA- Patient Monitor, 19” Color Touch Screen                         PRO 4000
               XXXAX     Interface, 3 Lead ECG, Dual Temp, NIBP, Dual IBP,      64MXXX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
                         Surveyor SpO2, CO2                                     64NTPX-B  MAP, Masimo SpO2 & Printer
                                                                                64NTXX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,                 02678-100      4200-100
               SUR19-EAA- Patient Monitor, 19” Color Touch Screen               64NXPE-B  MAP, Masimo SpO2, Braun ThermoScan PRO
               XXXAX     Interface, 3 Lead ECG, Dual Temp, NIBP, Dual IBP,                4000
                         Nellcor SpO2, CO2                                      64NXPX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
                                                                                64NXXE-B  MAP & Masimo SpO2
               WELCH ALLYN CONNEX®                                              64NXXX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,                 4700-60        5200-01
               VITAL SIGNS MONITOR                                                        MAP, Nellcor SpO2, SureTemp Plus, Printer               WELCH ALLYN SPOT VITAL SIGNS ACCESSORIES
               6300 SERIES                                                                Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
                                                                                          MAP, Nellcor SpO2, SureTemp Plus                        008-0333-00 Line Cord (US/ Canada/ Japan Versoin)
               An advanced, touch screen                                                  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
               monitor featuring bright, vivid                                            MAP, Nellcor SpO2, Printer, Braun ThermoScan            008-0796-00 Roll Stand Kit For Propaq Monitors, Expansion
               colors with minimal knobs or                                               PRO 4000                                                              Module, Adjustable, 6” Wire Basket
               buttons for ease of cleaning                                               Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
               -- perfect for general care                                                MAP, Nellcor SpO2 & Printer                             02678-100 9 ft Cord, Oral/ Axillary Probe
               floors within the hospital and                                             Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
               also for surgery centers and other ambulatory care offices.                MAP, Nellcor SpO2, Braun ThermoScan PRO 4000            02679-100 9 ft Cord, Rectal Probe
               For hospitals, clinicians can improve workflow by wirelessly               Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
               sending patient vitals directly to the EMR from the bedside.               MAP & Nellcor SpO2                                      05031-750 SureTemp Probe Cover, Disposable, 25/bx, 10bx/
                                                                                                                                                                sleeve, 30 sleeve/cs = 7500 probe covers/cs
               63MTPX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
               63MTXX-B  MAP, Masimo, SpO2, SureTemp Plus, Printer                                                                                06137-000 Calibration Key For 767T, M678, M679
               63MXPE-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
                         MAP, Masimo SpO2, SureTemp Plus                                                                                          103881       Mounting Kit Includes Mounting Plate with
               63MXPX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,                                                                                      Connecting Screw
               63MXXE-B  MAP, Masimo SpO2, Printer, Braun ThermScan
                         PRO 4000                                               WELCH ALLYN PROPAQ CS 242                                         105631 Lithium Battery For Spot Vital Signs
               63MXXX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,       VITAL SIGNS MONITOR
               63NTPX-B  MAP, Masimo SpO2 & Printer                                                                                               105632 Lithium Battery For Spot LXI Vital Signs
               63NTXX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,       9001-001288 Vital Signs Monitor, Adult 3-Lead, Respiration,
               63NXPE-B  MAP, Masimo, SpO2, Braun ThermoScan PRO                               NIBP, Nellcor                                      4200-100 Carrying Case
               63NXPX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,       9001-008152 Vital Signs Monitor, Adult 3-Lead, Respiration,       421042 Door, Battery, 300 Series
               63NXXE-B  MAP & Masimo SpO2                                                     NIBP, Masimo
               63NXXX-B  Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,                                                                         4700-60 Spot Mobile Stand with Basket
                         MAP, Nellcor SpO2, SureTemp Plus, Printer              9001-011584 Vital Signs Monitor, Printer, Adult 3-Lead,
                         Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,                      Respiration, NIBP, Masimo                          4701-62      Wall Mount with Basket For Spot, Spot Lxi &
                         MAP, Nellcor SpO2, SureTemp Plus                                                                                                      CVSM Vital Signs Monitors
                         Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
                         MAP, Nellcor SpO2, Printer, Braun ThermScan                                                                              4800-60      Mobile Stand with Stand Management Storage
                         PRO 4000                                                                                                                              System
                         Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,
                         MAP, Nellcor SpO2 & Printer                            WELCH ALLYN PROPAQ CS 246                                         503-0054-02 Adapter, Power for Hi OutPut, Propaq EL
                         Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,       VITAL SIGNS MONITOR
                         MAP, Nellcor SpO2, Braun ThermScan PRO 4000                                                                              503-0147-01 Power Supply, 8V, .75a, 120VAC For Vital Signs
                         Vital Signs Monitor, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate,       9001-028744 Vital Signs Monitor, Adult 3-Lead, Respiration,                     Monitor 300 Series
                         MAP & Nellcor SpO2                                                    NIBP, 2 Invasive BP, Nellcor OxiMax SpO2
                                                                                                                                                  5200-01      Adult Cuff Assembly, Latex Free (Cuff, Bladder &

                                                                                                                                                  5200-02      Large Adult Cuff Assembly, Latex Free (Cuff,
                                                                                                                                                               Bladder & Connector)

                                                                                WELCH ALLYN PROPAQ LT MONITOR                                     5200-03      Child Print Cuff Assembly, Latex Free (Cuff,
                                                                                                                                                               Bladder & Connector)
                                                                                802LT0N-0E0 Vital Signs Monitor, 3- or 5-lead ECG, SpO2, NIBP,
                                                                                               Pulse Rage, Respiration, Neonatal, Pediatric, and  Accessories
                                                                                               Adult Modes
                                                                                                                                                  01802-110 Welch/ Braun Black Body Calibration Device
               44                                                               008-0040-98 Printer Paper, Standard Thermal, 10 rolls/bx
                                                                                008-0238-00 Hose, Adult/Pediatric, 10’ with Twist Lock Cuff

                                                                                               Connector (for bladderless cuffs)
                                                                                008-0522-00 ECG Cable, 5 Attached Leads, Snap, AAMI, 4 ft
                                                                                008-0864-00 NIBP Hose with Twist Lock Center Bladderless

                                                                                               Cuff, Adult/ Pediatric, 6 ft
                                                                                008-0888-00 Wall Mount Kit, 8” Pivot Arm
                                                                                008-0960-00 Masimo SpO2 LNCS-DCI Sensor, Reusable, Adult

                                                                                        Patient Monitoring/Vital Signs
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