Page 86 - 2015 NDC Medical Catalog
P. 86

BOVIE MI 1000                                                  BOVIE SYSTEM                                                             S2S-16   S2S-VC
                LED SURGICAL                                                   II DUO SURGERY                                                   BOVIE SYSTEM II SOLO SURGERY LIGHTS
                LIGHTS                                                         LIGHTS                                                           The Halogen Series produces up to 102,000 lux (9,500 foot
                                                                                                                                                candles) at 1 meter using a halogen bulb. 4,000° Kelvin color
                The MI 1000 light is                                           The Halogen Series                                               temperature allowing for excellent tissue rendition. The MH
                part of the “cutting-                                          produces up to                                                   Series produces over 100,000 lux (9,500 foot candles) at 1
                edge” MI LED                                                   102,000 lux (9,500                                               meter using a low-watt high intensity discharge bulb. 4,300°
                SERIES by Medical                                              foot candles) at 1                                               true Kelvin color temperature.
                Illumination International. THe light emits very low heat is   meter using a halogen bulb. 4,000° Kelvin color temperature
                output rated at 65,000 lux (6,000 foot candles) at 4,300°      allowing for excellent tissue rendition. The MH Series
                Kevin color temperature. The MI1000 50,000 hour LED use        produces over 100,000 lux (9,500 foot candles) at 1 meter
                significantly less electric consumption than standard halogen  using a low-watt high intensity discharge bulb. 4,300° true
                lights. Lighting equipment (excluding replacement parts) has   Kelvin color temperature.
                a three year limited warranty.
                                                                               S2D-16 Surgery Light, Duo, 16”, Halogen
                XLD-DC  Minor Surgery LED Light, Dual Ceiling, 100V-240V       S2D-16MA Surgery Light, Duo, 16”, Monitor Arm, Halogen           S2S-16           Surgery Satellite, Solo, 16”, Halogen
                XLD-FM  Minor Surgery LED Light, Portable Floor Model,         S2D-16VC Surgery Light, Duo, 16”, Video Camera, Halogen
                        100V-240V                                              S2D-20 Surgery Light, Duo, 20”, Halogen                          S2S-20           Surgery Light, Solo, 20”, Halogen
                XLD-SC  Minor Surgery LED Light, Single Ceiling,               S2D-2016 Surgery Light, Duo, 20” & 16”, Halogen
                        100V-240V                                              S2D-20MA Surgery Light, Duo, 20”, Monitor Arm, Halogen           S2S-MA Surgery Light, Monitor Arm
                XLD-WM  Minor Surgery LED Light, Wall Mount, 100V-240V         S2D-20VC Surgery Light, Duo, 20”, Video Camera, Halogen
                                                                               S2DMH Surgery Light, Duo, Metal Halide, (2) 20”                  S2S-VC           Surgery Light, Video Camera
                                                                               S2DMH-MA Surgery Light, Duo, Metal Halide, 20” &
                                                                                                                                                S2SMH Surgery Light, Duo, 20”, Metal Halide
                                                                                              Monitor Arm
   EQUIPMENT &                                                                 S2DMH-VC Surgery Light, Duo, Metal Halide, 20” & Video           S2SMH-MA Surgery Light, Solo, Monitor Arm, Metal Halide
                                                                                              Camera                                            S2SMH-VC Surgery Light, Solo, Video Camera, Metal Halide

                                                                                                                                                        CCT-DTM               CCT-STM
                                                                                                                                                BOVIE CHUTTLETRAK CEILING TRACKS
                BOVIE BULBS                                                    BOVIE SYSTEM II
                                                                               LED SERIES                                                       CCT-DTM Dual Trolley Model
                BV-0001255 Centura Front Bulb                                                                                                   CCT-STM Single Trolley Model
                BV-0001256 Centurion Bulb                                      The System Two LED
                BV-0001579 Versalite Bulb                                      series presents an                                               BOVIE SYSTEM II TRIO
                BV-0001727 Medi-Lite, Illuminator III, Halogen Bulb, 150W      unmatched value                                                  SURGERY LIGHTS
                BV-1000122 Centry Standard Bulb                                to surgery centers
                                                                               and alternate care                                               The Halogen Series produces
                BOVIE MI 500                                                   facilities seeking                                               up to 102,000 lux (9,500 foot
                LED EXAM/                                                      a surgical lighting                                              candles) at 1 meter using a
                DIAGNOSTIC                                                     system. The energy                                               halogen bulb. 4,000° Kelvin
                LIGHTS                                                         efficient design                                                 color temperature allowing
                                                                               consumes half the electricity of its halogen counterpart to      for excellent tissue rendition. The MH Series produces over
                Features a 4300°                                               offer a significant long-term savings. The long-life 50,000      100,000 lux (9,500 foot candles) at 1 meter using a low-watt high
                Kelvin white light with                                        hour rated LEDís eliminate procedure room down-and are           intensity discharge bulb. 4,300° true Kelvin color temperature.
                exquisite illumination measuring 40,000 Lux (3,700 foot        output rated at 120,000 Lux with a Kelvin color temperature
                candles) at 24”. Operates at a much lower temperature than     of 4300°. The System Two LED series is designed with the         S2T-16           Surgery Light, Trio, (3) 16”, Halogen
                standard halogen options for cool comfort of the doctor        unmatched MI arm system for optimal surgical site visibility
                and staff during procedure. Using state-of-the-art LED green   and positioning. This lighting system is available in solo, duo  S2T-1620 Surgery Light, Trio, 20” & (2) 16”, Halogen
                technology, it features an extended life of 50,000 hours,      and tri mounting styles.
                approximately 25 times longer than its halogen predecessor,                                                                     S2T-16MA Surgery Light, Trio, (2) 16” & Monitor Arm, Halogen
                the Centry Exam and consumes a minimal 50W of electricity.     XLDS-S2 One 120K Lux Light
                                                                               XLDS-S22 System Two Duo Includes: Two 120K Lux Light             S2T-16VC Surgery Light, Trio, (2) 16” & Video Camera, Halogen
                XLDE-DC Dual Ceiling, 100V-240V                                XLDS-S23 System Two Trio Includes: Three 120K Lux Light
                XLDE-DCK Head & Arm Kit, Dual Ceiling                          XLDS-S23MA System Two Trio Includes: Two 120K Lux Light &        S2T-20           Surgery Light, Trio, 20”, Halogen
                XLDE-DCSH Dual Ceiling with Sterilizable Handle
                XLDE-FK Head & Arm Floor Kit                                                  One Monitor Arm                                   S2T-2016 Surgery Light, Trio, (2) 20” & 16”, Halogen
                XLDE-FLSH Floor Model, Portable with Sterilizable Handle       XLDS-S23VC System Two Trio Includes: Two 120K Lux Light &
                XLDE-FM Floor Model, Portable, 100V-240V                                                                                        S2T-2016MA Surgery Light, Trio, 20”, 16” & Monitor Arm, Halogen
                XLDE-SC Single Ceiling, 100V-240V                                             One HC Video Camera
                XLDE-SCK Head & Arm Kit, Single Ceiling                        XLDS-S2MA System Two Duo Includes: One 120K Lux Light &          S2T-2016VC Surgery Light, Trio, 20”, 16” & Video Camera,
                XLDE-SCSH Single Ceiling with Sterilizable Handle                                                                                             Halogen
                XLDE-WK Head & Arm Wall Kit                                                   One Monitor Arm
                XLDE-WM Wall Mount, 100V-240V                                  XLDS-S2VC System Two Duo Includes: One 120K Lux Light &          S2T-20MA Surgery Light, Trio, (2) 20” & Monitor Arm, Halogen
                XLDE-WMSH Wall Mount with Sterilizable Handle
                                                                                              One HD Video Camera                               S2T-20VC Surgery Light, Trio, (2) 20” & Video Camera, Halogen

                                                                                                                                                S2TMH Surgery Light, Trio, Metal Halide, (3) 20”

                                                                                                                                                S2TMH-MA Surgery Light, Trio, Metal Halide, 20” & Monitor Arm

                                                                               BOVIE SYSTEM II PORTABLE                                         S2TMH-VC Surgery Light, Trio, Metal Halide, 20” & Video
                                                                               SURGERY LIGHTS                                                                 Camera

                                                                               The Halogen Series produces up to                                                               44600 44610
                                                                               102,000 lux (9,500 foot candles) at 1 meter
                                                                               using a halogen bulb. 4,000° Kelvin color                        WELCH ALLYN GREEN SERIES™ 600
                                                                               temperature allowing for excellent tissue                        PROCEDURE LIGHT
                                                                               rendition. The MH Series produces over
                                                                               100,000 lux (9,500 foot candles) at 1 meter                      For minor procedures and examinations.
                                                                               using a low-watt high intensity discharge
                                                                               bulb. 4,300° true Kelvin color temperature.

                                                                               S2FM-16  Surgery Light, Portable, Halogen, 16”,                  44600            GS 600 Minor Procedure Light, Mobile Stand
                                                                               S2FM-20  Floor Model                                             44610            GS 600 Minor Procedure Light, Table/ Wall Mount
                                                                               S2MHFM   Surgery Light, Portable, Halogen, 20”,
                                                                                        Floor Model
                                                                                        Surgery Light, Portable, Metal Halide, 20”,
                                                                                        Floor Model

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